YOU GUYS!!! Here we are!!!!
The final week of 2020!
We made it!
We survived!
I know the majority of the year, it felt like we may not survive…maybe you even looked like this..

But, here we are! And I am so thankful to be here, healthy, with my family, and safe, because we know that 2020 did take so much from so many.
Which is WHY I am choosing to spend this week celebrating and reflecting on the year! Because it’s so easy to talk about the bad. It’s easy to talk about what 2020 took from us. But, I want to to share the good things that 2020 brought to me and my business!

So, I wanted to make sure I did my annual Best of Blog Posts!!!
I love sharing these because it allows me to take a trip down memory lane and revisit all of the amazing shoots I had this year! I have done these in both 2018 and 2019, and I am just not going to let 2020 take that away!
Today, will be all about portrait sessions! For portraits, they include families, maternity, floral tub sessions, headshots, and so much more!
One of the best things that happened for me with portraits was bringing the floral tub sessions here to San Diego! The San Diego Floral Tub opened in July, and it brought so many amazing people in it! And, I learned how to grow hibiscus!! I can’t wait for the tub to open again in Spring/Summer 2021!!!!

Even with the pandemic and moving my business from Hawaii to San Diego, I was still able to capture quite a few portrait sessions, from California, to Hawaii, to Oregon, to Florida as well!

We even were able to get into the Christmas Spirit and have a very successful weekend of Christmas Tree Farm Mini Sessions! They were so much fun and I got to meet so many families! Already planning for next year!
So sit back, relax, and check out my

Look, 2020 may have been a crap year, but it DID NOT bring my crap images!!! It brought me beautiful families, beautiful women playing with flowers, the cutest kids, and a lot of smiles, joy and love!
San Diego Photographer | Vanessa Hicks Photography
I can’t wait to see what 2021 brings!!! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Best of 2020…it will be all about couples and engagement sessions!!!!
Want to book your 2021 Portrait session? Shoot me a message and let’s get you booked!
Check out a few of my favorite portrait sessions on the blog:
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