So, last week was CRAZY!!!
In such an amazing way!!! Never in a million years did I ever think that I would have viral photos again! After the #flagbaby photos, I could never imagine something like that happen again! You don’t set out as a photographer to have viral photos! But when it happens, it’s pretty awesome!
I’ve had so many people contact me to ask me how did this happen! Well, it’s really quite a simple story really! I got an email from a Huffington Post editor a couple weeks ago, when I released the ad for the Military Themed Sessions. FYI, a Huffington Post editor follows me?!?! How cool!!! So, I needed some updated shots, I contacted some of my favorite clients, to see if they wanted to get their sessions done early!
So, I found the perfect field near where I live, and got together some vintage pieces, and I was ready to go!!!
I have to give a special thanks to the Bender family, the Bradstreet family, the Sabin family, and my husband and daughters for participating in these photos!
You can even see the live segment on Fox and Friends!
You can also see articles on The Today Show, Good Morning America, ABC, Country Living, PopSugar, and so much more!
Thank you so much again for continuing to support this dream of mine!!!
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