Aloha Wednesday!
I’ve been asked this question quite a bit as a wedding photographer from my couples who are planning their wedding..
” What would you do differently when you got married?”
Wedding planning can be one of the hardest and most stressful times! I understand how important this day is, and that comes with its own stresses! I thought of 5 things I would have done differently, and I hope at least one of these may help you during your wedding planning!
Make sure I included my husband more in wedding planning
It’s pretty easy as a bride to get caught up in all the wedding planning. You hear it all the time: this is the day that you have dreamed of since you were a kid! But, going on 5 years, I can look back and see that I didn’t include my husband in a lot of the decision planning, which truly wasn’t fair! I’ve been known to have said “my” wedding instead of “our” wedding. So, make sure you include your partner! Understand that this is not just YOUR day, but BOTH of you guys special day. Communicate with your spouse on the details of your wedding, and trust me, they will be grateful to know that they had a say ( and you may avoid a few arguments too!)
Truly Understand Your Budget
Again, my husband and I set a budget for our wedding, and we absolutely did not stick to it. WHY? Well, I think it was because we did not know and/or understand all of the costs that were associated with a wedding. I think had we really sat down and did some research before we officially started planning, we would have been able to understand our budget, and make a more accurate budget to fit our needs
Chosen our vendors more carefully
Now that I am in the wedding industry, you want to know a secret? I chose my vendors based on price? Again, WHY? Because, my train of thought was, ” I don’t care which caterer makes my food, its just food.” “I don’t care which photographer I choose, all photographers are the same ( FYI…MY BIGGEST REGRET), you get the point. There were several vendors that I was so disappointed in, but looking back on it, that was OUR fault! Our fault we didn’t to the proper research! So, my biggest advice, don’t choose vendors strictly on PRICE alone!
Figured out what we DIDN’T need!
Oh, I thought I needed everything that I saw in magazines! Guess what, I didn’t need favors! Most people LEFT the awesome wine glasses on the table! I didn’t need programs!! Again, they were left on the chairs! I think its important to sit down and figure out what’s most important to you on your wedding day, and what you can go without! This will look different for everyone! Some people NEED an open bar, some people will NEED fireworks at the end of your wedding, the possibilities are endless!
Remembered to ENJOY my wedding!
I was so nervous all of my wedding day! The DJ didn’t have the song list, the wedding started late ( I was for sure my soon to be husband ran away!), everyone didn’t walk down the aisle at the EXACT part of the song I had told them to, the cake toppled over, and I STRESSED about it all! When in reality, IT DIDN’T matter! Marrying the love of my life was the most important thing! I wish I would have remembered that! And just enjoyed my wedding day, surrounded by my loved ones!
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