Hello Monday and a new week! I am so excited to start a new week now that it’s officially summer time in our house! Kids are out for the summer, and all I smell around my house is the ocean and bbq’s! Are your kids out of school yet? Did you take last day of school pictures? It’s crazy to see how much the kids have grown since September!!
I can’t believe I now have a 4th grader and a 3rd grader! I don’t feel old enough for it!!!
Now on to work! This past week was a rare slow one in terms of sessions. I can’t get used to is as I am set with sessions for the rest of the upcoming weekends, including my first wedding of the season on Saturday! I can not wait!!!! Check out the images from the past week!
May have been a slow week, but none the less GORGEOUS!!!
There was lots of activity this week on the blog, which I love!!! This week’s top blog post goes to Julie and Corey’s BEAUTIFUL engagement session! Which is awesome, since it is their wedding that is coming up this week!!
Check out their gorgeous session here!!!
Father’s Day is right around the corner! Take advantage of this special deal and get Dad a special gift, one that can be cherished for years to come! Book a session and document Dad’s legacy today!
This week, my favorite image definitely goes to this one of my youngest daughter! I had this vision of this image, and I am so happy about the way it turned out! The light, her new Dollcake Dress, and this tree! I just LOVE it!!!
The featured image this week proudly goes to this beautiful picture of Miss Cassie from her newborn session! She was one of my favorite images a few weeks ago, with these gorgeous flowers around her, and now here she is again, in this beautiful bassinet! This image had 285 likes!! WOO HOO!!! This image will be pinned to the top of the page, and will be this week’s cover photo!!!
See you guys this week!!!
xoxo, Vanessa
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