It’s Aloha Friday!!!!
It’s been awhile since I did a Friday introduction, so today’s a perfect day to tell y’all 5 things you may or may not know about me!
I was born in Anchorage, Alaska!
We moved to Hawaii when my Dad was offered a job here. We couldn’t afford the tickets, and no lie, my Dad won a lucky hand a poker before he had officially turned down the job! 3 days later, we packed what we could, and we were on our way to Hawaii for the next 12+ years! And it feels amazing to be back again!
I have anxiety.
I am open and honest that I am a person who struggles with anxiety. I believe talking about any and all mental illnesses helps make the topic normal. Anyone who suffers from any mental illness knows how bad it feels when someone says “you don’t LOOK sick/sad/etc.
I was going to live in NYC, or so I thought!
I was accepted to Berkeley College in New York City to study fashion design when I got out of the Navy! I was going to live in the dorms in New York and have a life like the ladies in Sex and the City! Life handed me another set of cards as I found out I was pregnant with Jasmine! I’ve never really wondered how my life would have been, because my life right now is amazing!
I was a Quartermaster in the Navy.
Which means I navigated and drove the the ship! The USS Enterprise was the largest aircraft carrier in the fleet, with 8 nuclear reactors! I always said we were a floating bomb and airport! Some on my best memories are on that ship, which is now decommissioned.
I love Sushi!
Like, almost in an unhealthy way! I had sushi for 4 times last week! And now that I’m thinking about it, sounds pretty good for lunch today!! I love the salmon and tuna nigiri! ????
That’s it!!! Any of those things shock you?!?
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